Open Mornings & Tours
We are delighted that you are considering St Luke's as a prospective school for your child. Deciding on the right school for your child is very important and we believe that a visit is essential. One of the best ways to get to know St Luke's is to visit during an Open Morning or a School Tour.
Reception Open Mornings
We hold a series of Reception Open Mornings throughout the Autumn term. These run from 9.30am on selected Tuesdays. The mornings feature a talk from the Headteacher and a tour around the school by our Year 6 children.
Please click here to book a space
Nursery School Tours
We hold a series of School Tours of the Nursery during the Spring term. These run from 9.10am on selected days. Time is spent talking to the Headteacher and a tour around the nursery and parts of the main school.
Our Admissions Team is available (0208 546 0902) throughout the year to answer any queries you may have.
Admissions support Documents
- St Luke's Admission Criteria
- School Prospectus
- Parent Handbook
- St Luke's Agreement
- Year 6 Destinations