Welcome to the Nursery
Below is our most recent blog from the Nursery. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). These will be updated every other Friday.
Click here for additional curriculum support for the summer term.
Friday 07 July 2023
Congratulations, Nursery on your outstanding performances last week on Sports Day. You all ran, jumped, threw and balanced with Olympic precision. We loved having our families stay with us for the picnic and that the rain held off.
There has been a lot of rain over recent days and the children all need a waterproof coat to aid their scientific understanding of waterproof materials.
Having observed many different types of bees buzzing around our purple lavender, we decided we needed to investigate further. Friends of the Earth produce a fantastic information sheet that we were able to consult. Mini scientists concluded that one was a buff tailed-bumble bee and one was a honey bee.
The children were able to artistically create their own bee from clay with 2 antennae and paint a bee with a repeating pattern.
We hope that the children enjoyed visiting their new Reception Classes and teachers ready for September.