Welcome to the Nursery
Below is our most recent blog from the Nursery. This includes a summary of the two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). These will be updated every other Friday.
Click here for the latest blog
Friday, 13th March 2020
Many heartfelt thanks for the amazing team work at our Book Sale - achieving close to £400! The duck eggs will be arriving on the 25th and hopefully hatching soon after. If your family feels able to care for the ducklings over the weekend, do let us know.
We would like to set up a ‘Stay and read / Stay and play’ morning/afternoon, whereby kind parents or carers stay for 10/15 minutes (after drop off) and either read a story to a little group or play a maths game. Do let us know if Friday would be the best day for you to join us.
Next Wednesday, 18th March, Father Martin has invited all Nursery to St. Luke’s Church, where he will teach the children about the Church, talk about spring, new life and pray with us. Please meet us in the church at 8.45am next Wednesday. Please stay with your child and support them for half an hour, after which we will all walk over to Nursery (or back home for our afternoon children).
Thank you for coming to Parents’ Evening and for adding to your child’s Learning Journey. We are so proud of each child and the progress they have made this academic year.