Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Below is our most recent blog from Year 4. This includes a summary of the two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). These will be updated every other Friday.
Click here for the topic flow plan for the Spring Term.
Click here for the presentation used at the Maths Teach in session.
Click here for the latest blog
Friday, 6th March 2020
This week in Year 4 there has been a lot of assembly practice taking place. Well done to 4D who had their assembly on Thursday. We are looking forward to the 4FW class assembly, which will be taking place next Friday (13th March). There is another important aspect to Friday 13th as St Luke’s will be fundraising for Sports Relief!
Fractions have been the focus in mathematics this week. Year 4 have looked closely at equivalent fractions and finding fractions of amounts, including edible items. In the classroom, there has been a great focus on using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary and we encourage that this is used at home too, when approaching fractions.
The focus in English has been on a new book ‘One plastic bag’ written by Miranda Paul. The story is nonfiction as it is based upon the real life effects of plastic in Gambia. As we delve into the book we will be looking at solutions to plastic pollution. For next week we will need any plastic bags parents may have at home.