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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Rescuing people

On Monday, Reception children visited St Luke's Church.

The visit links to this term's RE topic of 'How Jesus Rescues People' where the children will learn about some of the miracles Jesus performed. We have listened to and acted out the Bible story - 'Going Fishing' where Jesus helped his special friends catch an abundance of fish. Jesus 'rescued' people who needed food.

We thought we would try to be like Jesus and 'rescue' people who live locally by donating some food to a local foodbank in Kingston. Thank you very much to all who donated items for the children to bring, we had a varied selection of foods from pasta, soup, cereals to biscuits and crackers. Father Martin met us at the church and he spoke to the children about Jesus, the three kings and gifts. The children asked him many interesting questions too! The children then placed the food in front of crib where it will be collected and taken for donation. The visit ended with the children singing our lunchtime song- thanking God for the food we eat. What a lovely trip out!