Reception 24/25
Below is our most recent blog. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc).
Click here for additional curriculum support for the spring term.
Blog for Friday 13th December 2024
It’s busy busy busy, in Reception! We have been getting ready for Christmas. In our indoor tuff tray, we have been working on our fine motor skills by creating paper chains. We’ve learnt how to link and loop them together. We have also been loving our Santa’s Christmas grotto in the outdoor area, and making Santa’s sleigh out of our blocks! We have enjoyed dressing up in Christmas outfits when doing our imaginative play.
We have been reviewing all of our sounds in phonics that we have learnt this term.We have learnt all of our phase 2 sounds. Well done everyone! Please could these be practised over the Christmas break so we are ready to learn more complex digraphs and trigraphs in the Spring for Phase 3. Please note we won't be sending reading books home over Christmas, please read for pleasure.
In maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns and making them with lolly sticks. We talked about how the amount of sticks will change if we make two squares attached to each other compared to 2 separate squares, we noticed it being one less! We then went to the maths table to try these patterns out for ourselves. Check out our pictures!