Year 1 24/25
Below is our most recent blog. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc).
Click here for additional curriculum support for the spring term.
Blog for Friday 10th January 2025
In Year 1 the new topic this term is Travel and Transport. The children have already been learning about the history of train travel and the significance of George Stephenson and his steam train ‘The Rocket’. In English lessons, the children took part in an immersive experience to inspire their writing; they set out their chairs, so they were like a train carriage, and watched a film of the glacier express travelling through the Alps. The recent cold weather also helped them to describe the icy scenery and how it would feel waiting for the train on a freezing platform.
During their art lesson, the children used free expression to create an image of a steam train in a wintery landscape of frozen mountains, rivers and forests. They used black paper for the background and took great care applying chalk and pastel to represent the scene. In P.E. lessons with Mrs Corlett, the children have been practising moving with a ball using control; many children displayed excellent early rugby skills by tucking the ball under their arm and running to a target.
There is also a new R.E. topic this term which asks why Christians make and keep promises to God? We are delighted with the photographs we have received of baptisms, christenings and naming ceremonies. We look forward to sharing these with the class next week.