Year 4 24/25
Below is our most recent blog. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc).
Click here for additional curriculum support for the autumn term.
Blog for Friday 13th September 2024
What an incredible start to their year 4 journey the children have had! They have begun learning about this half term’s topics: electricity in science and Anglo Saxons vs Vikings in history. In science, they were very excited to make their own working circuits with bulbs and buzzers. It was impressive to see how quickly they became familiar with the symbols for the different components. In their history lesson, the children wrote a newspaper report about a vicious Viking attack in Northumberland, with particular attention to using formal language. They are looking forward to learning more about the rivalry between the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings.
English lessons have been based on the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ where the children were inspired by Arthur’s meeting of a mythical creature. They have started to plan and draft their own adventure story with a focus on using descriptive vocabulary.
The return of coach Rian has been met with much enthusiasm from the children as they started their gymnastics lessons. They were equally excited to learn that this half term’s PE lessons with Mrs Allan will be football-based.
In PSHE, the children celebrated their differences and discussed what makes them all connected.