Year 5 24/25
Below is our most recent blog. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc).
Click here for additional curriculum support for the spring term.
Blog for Friday 10th January 2025
Welcome back to school from what we hope was a lovely Christmas break!
The children came back to school on Monday with a really positive attitude and it was interesting to hear some of the New Year Resolutions that they have made and we decided that our class resolution is to make more of an effort to keep the classroom tidy!
In Maths, we continued with our Fractions topics by adding mixed numbers where the children showed excellent recall in the different aspects they learnt in the Autumn Term, (converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers and finding the common denominator) to help them complete more complex addition problems and we move on subtraction next week to complete the topic.
In English and Topics lessons will be learning about the Tudors with a focus on the legacy of the Tudors in our local area. We have also started reading 'Treason' by Berlie Doherty in our English lessons. We wrote diary entries as the main character, William, comparing life in London to his normal life in the country using contrastive conjunctions and adverbials.
Our science topic this half term is Forces and we started by recapping the knowledge the children learnt in Year 3 about forces and magnets then used Maltesers try to produce and produce a balanced force so that the Malteser stayed still and an unbalanced force where the Malteser moved across the table.
On Wednesday, we were fortunate to avoid the bad weather and complete our first Cross Country session in Richmond Park. The children shown an excellent attitude and determination to complete their first run in chilly conditions! Well done!