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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Year 6 24/25

Below is our most recent blog.  This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). 

Click here for additional curriculum support for the autumn term.

Blog for Friday 13th September 2024

The new school year has got off to a fabulous start, with Year 6 demonstrating their readiness to embrace the challenges and responsibilities that are part-and-parcel of being the eldest in the school. High expectations have been set, and the children have agreed that “open-mindedness”, “perseverance” and “optimism” are just some of the qualities that will take them far this year.

The class have already sunk their teeth into their “Walk on the Wild Side” theme by studying a collection of poems that deal with the beauty, wonder and eeriness of the natural world. Great discussion has arisen regarding their initial reactions to the poems shared, using creative strategies to elicit meaning, and they have noted John Muir’s distinctive style and inclusion of poetic devices such as assonance and imagery – to be incorporated into their own poetry.

Wildlife has also been the name of the game within science, whereby children have studied pictures of different organisms, referring to a classification key, and grouping them according to similar characteristics.

As biome investigators, the children will soon be carrying out independent research before collaborating on a poster design, presenting findings on location, climate, plant / animal adaptations and landscape. Planet Earth certainly is a remarkable place.

  • Allsettledinclass

  • Newyear
