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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Parliament trip

St Luke’s School Council visited the Houses of Parliament and were treated to a guided tour and learned so many interesting things!

Our tour started under the Victoria Tower. This is where the monarch arrives when they visit for the state opening of Parliament. The children walked like royals as they entered the Robing Room where the King dresses before heading into the House of Lords. This room was of particular interest to the children. This must’ve been to do with the hidden loo accessible through one of the wooden walls! As well as this, we saw a throne that has only been sat on by Queen Victoria.

After, we visited the House of Lords where we learned that the monarch never walks further than their seating area to avoid the risk of being seen as an influence in decision making. One of the highlights of the tour was sitting in the public gallery in the House of Commons. We listened into a debate about improving high streets for a few minutes. Not the most interesting topic but an interesting experience nonetheless!

Miss MacAuslan and Mrs Corlett were both so proud of how the children represented the school. They asked super questions and listened carefully to the tour guide. It was a pleasure to spend the day with them in such an exciting place!